Danny Overbea with King Kolax & Orch.: "Ebony Chant"
[Checker 788 (7586)]

Motifs: Wordless vocals/chorus Twangy/Reverberant guitar
added: 2021-01-20
David Michael and Chorale: "Wow!"
[Chain 5001-A]

Motifs: Wordless vocals/chorus Bop-style rhythm section
added: 2011-03-28
Mark Murphy: "Come and Get Me"
[Riverside R-4519]

Motifs: Wordless vocals/chorus Jazz/Torch-style vocals Twangy/Reverberant guitar
added: 2011-03-28
Mel Ball Quartet Featuring The Mercyaires: "I Remember"
[Charles AR 975 B]

Motifs: Wordless vocals/chorus
added: 2011-03-28
Sonny Rossi And His Concord Mambo Orchestra With The Voice of "Julianna": "Harlem Nocturne"
[Monogram M917-45-A]

Motifs: Wordless vocals/chorus Afro-Latin percussion/rhythm City/Streets theme Night/Darkness theme
added: 2018-03-28
Tom O'Neil: "St. James Infirmary"
[Petal P-1004]

Motifs: Wordless vocals/chorus Twangy/Reverberant guitar Slow Tempo
added: 2019-12-29
Wini Beatty with Bob Bain and Morty Corb: "Pousse Caf�"
[Key EP-512]

Motifs: Wordless vocals/chorus Jazz/Torch-style vocals Loneliness/Solitude theme Alcohol/Coffee/Drug references Slow Tempo
added: 2011-07-09